Saturday, January 24, 2009

BJ Penn surprised that St. Pierre isn't on steroids

The war of words between Penn and St. Pierre continues to heat up - though the battle seems to be mostly one sided at this point. Penn, who has expressed dissatisfaction with the way he's been portrayed on UFC Primetime recently lashed out against St. Pierre on Sirius Satellite radio program called "Hardcore Sports Radio."

Penn was quoted as saying:

"It’s surprising that he’s in such good shape without the use of steroids or growth hormones, he’s eating cheeseburgers and all that. (GSP trainer) Firas [Zahabi], after the fight, he can go home, walk to his bedroom, take his shoes off, lie down in his bed, take about 20 or 30 minutes and go fuck himself."

Wow. And this is right after a UFC conference call where BJ Penn was laughing and making fun of St. Pierre for seeing a sports psychologist.

Either Penn is trying to get inside St. Pierre's head, is genuinely afraid of his skills, or just plain doesn't like the guy. Or, in typical Penn fashion, he could just be drumming up hype for their Jan. 31 supermatch as he is likely to get a cut of the PPV buys.

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